MotorMemo, the log book for classic cars
Many owners of historic cars share the same feeling: old cars have a soul. But what about their life story?
Very often the original documents have vanished and no backup worthy of the name exists to continue weaving the thread of the history of your favourite car.
François Borzellino saw this lack and came up with the idea of the MotorMemo log book. He is a graphic designer who is crazy about historic vehicles and also owns a beautiful English car so he took up the challenge by tracing the first outlines. He talked to numerous collectors all over Europe who were very excited about the project and contributed to refining the pertinence of its contents.
François Borzellino’s knowhow did the rest and he has produced a top-quality, enhancive log book that will find its place in every glove compartment.
MotorMemo, the life story of your car!